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The Call for Submissions for PALTC25 is Now Open!

Important Dates

  June 12, 2024   Call for Submissions for Education Sessions Opens
  July 17, 2024 - extended through July 18, 2024   Call for Submissions Closes (11:59 PM Eastern Time)
  Late August 2024   Decisions notifications sent to Lead Speakers

Before you submit your education session proposal, please review the list of suggested topics and the Proposal Submission Guidelines below.

The Society welcomes submissions on all topics pertinent to PALTC medicine and medical direction. We are specifically interested in the following topics:

NOTE: We will ask accepted PALTC25 speakers to integrate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) principles throughout their sessions.

PALTC25 Call for Submissions Guidelines

Use this list as a guide to ensure you are including all required elements for a successful proposal submission. Once logged into the submission portal, you will see the following on your Home page:

Task 1 - Speakers

List speakers in the order they should appear in the session summary. The submitter will be able to invite speakers to complete their profile and required forms in the portal. Once the submitter adds a speaker’s name and email address, they can hit a button to invite that speaker to the portal to complete required forms.

Task 2 - Submission Details

  1. Session Title (max of 12 words/200 characters) – A submission must have a short, specific title that indicates the nature of the proposal. Title should be enticing and contain no abbreviations.
  2. Category - Select a topic that best fits your proposal. You may also select a secondary topic.
    • Artificial Intelligence (Ex: Ethics, Evidence, Implementation, etc.)
    • Behavioral Health (Ex: Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Responses to Behaviors, etc.)
    • Billing & Coding
    • Business Leadership (Ex: Contract Negotiation, Entrepreneurship, Evolution of Practice Groups, etc.)
    • Business of Medicine (Ex: Impact of Private Equity Investments in PALTC Facilities and Medical Practice, etc.)
    • Clinical Topics (Ex: Congestive Heart Failure, Dementia, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Wound Care, etc.)
    • Communication with Patients and Families
    • Deprescribing and Polypharmacy
    • Emerging Technologies (Ex: Tele-Sitters, Tele-Ed Programs, etc.)
    • Infection Prevention and Control (Ex: Antibiotic Stewardship Programs, Enhanced Barrier Precautions, etc.)
    • Leadership in Medical Direction
    • QAPI (Ex: Conducting Performance Improvement Projects, etc.)
    • Regulatory Changes and Compliance
    • Staffing (Ex: Burnout, Education, Training, Turnover, Role of the Medical Director, Workforce Development, etc.)
    • Substance Use Disorder (Ex: MAT, Pain Management, Treatment, Diagnosis and Clinical Care of Patients with Opioid Use Disorder, etc.)
    • Time Management (Ex: Balancing Acute and Preventive Care, Priority Setting, Rounding, Scheduling, Dividing Time between Medical Direction and Clinical Duties, etc.)
    • Transitions of Care
    • Value-Based Care (Ex: What PALTC Medical Practice Looks Like When Fee for Service Goes Away, etc.)
  3. International Submission – Yes/No
  4. At least 2 disciplines – Yes/No/Only 1 Speaker
  5. Student/Fellow Involvement – Yes/No
  6. Education Need (max 700 characters) –The educational need(s) should describe the problem in practice and what learners need to know or how to address the issue. Consider what they need to know, what strategies they need, what tools they need to successfully solve the problem(s).
  7. Session Summary (max 800 characters) –Brief overview of the session to clearly convey the goal and what you plan to accomplish. This summary will be used in promotional materials.
  8. Bibliography/References to Support Evidence-Based Education Sample Formats - Author(s). Published work (Edition). (Year). Publisher location: Publisher Author(s). (Date published if available; n.d.—no date—if not). Title of article. Title of web site. Retrieved date. From URL
  9. Advances Health Equity - The Society asks that presenters integrate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) principles throughout their sessions. Please describe how your presentation will advance health equity. Consider the following best practices:
    • Avoid references to gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, or age in case examples unless it provides necessary context.
    • Use inclusive language. See Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    • Refer to patients first before disease: avoid “Diabetic patients” and use “Patients with diabetes”.
    • The content addresses social determinants of health, root causes of health disparities, factors that impact patient wellness, or provide any mitigating factors to improve patient outcomes.
  10. Inclusion of the Interdisciplinary Team - Please describe how you will incorporate perspectives from the Interdisciplinary Team into your presentation, and how you will make your presentation applicable to a wide variety of interdisciplinary team members.
  11. Speaker Discipline/Role - Indicate each speaker’s discipline and their role in the presentation. If the speaker's role is presenting, please include what specifically they will discuss during the presentation. (Examples: Speaker 1 – Physician – Presenter - Will present on...; Speaker 2 – Nurse Practitioner – Moderator) NOTE: The Society conducts a blind review so please do not include speaker names, organizations or any other information that would identify a speaker or institution/facility.

Task 3 - Keywords

Select up to 2 keywords that best describe the overall topic of your proposal.

Task 4 - Learning Objectives (80 words max for each)

Objectives should describe outcome of this session to address a change in competence (the ability to implement change) or performance (incorporating skills, abilities and strategies to implement change). Two learning objectives are required with third optional. These objectives will be utilized by attendees to evaluate the effectiveness of the session.

Task 5 - Presentation Details

  1. Learning Level
    • Introductory – focuses heavily on terminology and introducing individuals to concepts. Attendees are most likely new to the PALTC setting.
    • General Audience – May briefly touch on terminology but spends most of the session discussing the subject material directly. Attendees have likely worked in the PALTC setting for some time and are looking for a deeper level of knowledge.
    • Advanced – Assumes that attendees have an intimate knowledge of definitions and concept, and delves into best practices, innovative new practices and complex health issues that affect the PALTC setting.
  2. Presentation Format
    • 60 or 90-minute Session – Room will be set theater style
    • 3-hour Workshop – Room will be set in rounds
  3. Teaching Methods– Should explain types of teaching methods to be used which can include (but not limited to) Lecture and Q&A; Panel Discussions; Case Studies; Small Group Work; Role Play, etc. Workshops require hands-on activities and must be described in detail for proposal acceptance.
  4. Target Audience – select all that apply
  5. Practice Setting – select all that apply
  6. Audience Engagement Tools - Select all tools you plan to use. Workshops are required to have hands-on elements and activities
  7. Lead Speaker - The speaker designated as Lead Speaker will be the main contact for the session. The Lead Speaker will be responsible for submitting one final slide deck, to include slides from all speakers.

Task 6 - Speaker Experience

List all past speaking experience for all proposed speakers. List should include AMDA speaking engagements

Task 7 - Financial Relationship Disclosure

All submitters must complete the form

Task 8 - Acknowledgement of Proposal Submission Guidelines

All speakers must read and sign