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The Call for Posters for PALTC25 is now Open!

Important Dates

  September 10, 2024   Call for Posters Opens
  October 29, 2024   Call for Posters Closes (11:59 PM Eastern Time)
  Early December 2024   Decision notifications sent to Lead Authors

Before you submit your Poster, please review the information and Poster Submission Guidelines below.


The purpose of the PALTC25 Posters is to bring practical, scientifically sound information of the highest quality to its conference participants, so they can apply new ideas immediately to their practices.

Poster Categories:

Poster Judging Criteria:

PALTC25 Poster Submission Guidelines

Use this list as a guide to ensure you are including all required elements for a successful Poster submission. Once logged into the submission portal, you will see the following on your Home page:

Task 1 - Authors

List authors in the order they should appear in the Poster summary. The submitter will be able to invite authors to complete their profile and required forms in the portal. Once the submitter adds an author’s name and email address, they can hit a button to invite that author to the portal to complete required forms. NOTE: A poster cannot be submitted without all authors' profiles being completed.

Task 2 - Proposal Submission Criteria

All submitters must read and sign.

Task 3 - Poster Summary

Provide your Poster summary details. Questions will vary based on the category selected:

Category - Case Report/Case Series:
  1. Poster Title - Your previously provided title will auto-populate here.
  2. Introduction - Provide a context of the case, its relevance and importance to the PALTC setting.
  3. Case Description - Include history, physical examination, investigative studies, progress, and outcomes.
  4. Discussion - Extract the lesson(s) learned and discuss decisions that were made. The lesson(s) should be relevant to PALTC providers.
Category - Education:
  1. Poster Title - Your previously provided title will auto-populate here.
  2. Objective/Aim - Provide the overall objective of the Poster.
  3. Design Methodology - Explain your design methodology.
  4. Results - Share your results.
  5. Conclusion/Discussion - Share your conclusion. The poster should indicate how it is generalizable and to which populations/settings
Category - Quality Improvement:
  1. Poster Title - Your previously provided title will auto-populate here.
  2. Objective/Aim - All QI Posters should create a SMART aim statement by answering the questions: What are we trying to accomplish? Why do I think this is important? What is the population being targeted? What are the measurable goals?
  3. Quality Improvement Methods - Explain your QI methodology.
  4. Background - Provide the background for your Poster.
  5. Results - Share your results. QI Posters should illustrate the impact of the change.
  6. Conclusions - QI posters should indicate next steps and lessons learned applicable to the PALTC setting.
Category - Research:
  1. Poster Title - Your previously provided title will auto-populate here.
  2. Objective/Aim - Provide the overall objective of the Poster.
  3. Design Methodology - Explain your design methodology.
  4. Results - Share your results.
  5. Conclusion/Discussion - Share your conclusion. The poster should indicate how it is generalizable and to which populations/settings

Task 4 - Poster Presentation Details

  1. Presenting Author- Indicate whether the presenting author was involved in this research, case report, educational project, or quality improvement project.
  2. Financial and/or in-kind support - Describe all financial and/or in-kind support provided for this submission.
  3. Previous Publication - Indicate whether the research presented in this submission has been previously published or if it is work that will have been printed and disseminated by the time of the annual conference.
  4. International Submission - Indicate whether the presenting author resides outside of the U.S.
  5. Trainee - Indicate whether the primary author or presenter is a trainee (fellow, resident, student).
  6. Futures - Indicate whether the primary author or presenter applied to or has been accepted to the 2025 Futures Program.
  7. Trainee Information - If the primary or presenting author is a trainee, provide the name and email of the training program director or mentor.
  8. Registering for Conference - Indicate whether the presenting author will be registering for the conference.
  9. JAMDA - Indicate whether the authors and all text are final as it will be published in JAMDA. If this Poster is accepted, it will be published in JAMDA after conference.

Task 5 - Upload Your Poster

Please upload a PDF of your Poster.

Task 6 - Financial Relationship Disclosure

All submitters must complete the form.